The Grail SX
Over five decades ago, we invented our phono cartridge stylus, the van den Hul 1S. During these decades, we produced phono cartridges as well. These cartridges are seen as one the best in their class and famous worldwide. But if you become the class-leading manufacturer of phono cartridges, why do you not invent t your own phono preamplifier?
The Grail SE
The Excalibur
Mono Power Amplifier.
After The Grail SB (Phone-amplifier) and The Emerald (Pre-amplifier), a Mono Power Amplifier is created: The Excalibur.
The Extender
The creation of The Extender was based on the search to find this “lost” live experience in any sound reproduction.
The Emerald
Stereo line-level preamplifier, fully balanced amplifier design with special “accumulator simulation” power supply (ASPS) design.
The Grail SB
“The Grail SB” is a really dulcet phonograph preamplifier, specifically designed bearing ultimate performance and reliability in mind.